Week 7: Corder and Brent, Taking Stock of Where We Are

I hope you enjoyed our class session on the lawn as much as I did, and I hope you’ll keep thinking about your ideal version of a rhetoric and composition curriculum. We’ll come back to that discussion several times this semester, so you’ll have plenty of chances to articulate the hows and whys of your perfect plan for teaching rhetoric and composition to undergraduate students. (Hint: the wiki is another great place to articulate these ideas!)

Next week, we will discuss two articles that present very different approaches to rhetoric. Here’s the day-by-day plan:

  • On Tuesday (2/28), we will “Argument as Emergence, Rhetoric as Love,” by Jim W. Corder [PNR 412–28]. Jennifer will lead our discussion, and Rebecca will take notes.
  • On Thursday (3/1), we will discuss “Rogerian Rhetoric: An Alternative to Traditional Rhetoric,” by Douglas Brent. (Please print out this reading and bring it to class.) I will lead the discussion, and I’m still looking for someone to take notes. (Anyone looking to switch days?) In addition, we will spend some time on Thursday taking stock of what we’ve covered so far this semester and discussing what you would like to do for the remainder of the semester. I am open to making modifications to our syllabus based on your feedback, so please come to class ready to discuss any ideas you have for making this course more relevant and useful.

One final reminder: Your proposals for the wiki assignment are due no later than Monday evening. After you have reviewed the assignment guidelines, please send me an email with your proposal. This proposal constitutes only a small portion of your grade for the wiki project, but it will determine your trajectory for the rest of the assignment, so please take it seriously.

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