Week 2: Ehninger and Burke

I was very pleased with our first class discussion on Thursday, and I hope we will be able to keep raising the bar as the semester moves on. As you read these articles (especially the long or difficult ones), keep a running list of vocabulary words and new concepts, and remember that it’s OK to feel confused at the end of an article. Often, it will help to read the article a second time, and writing a reading response to the article will definitely help, too.

Here’s our plan for next week:

  • On Tuesday (1/24), we will meet jointly with Dr. Loewe’s class in RCC 231, so please do not come to our regular classroom. We will discuss “On Systems of Rhetoric,” by Douglas Ehninger [PNR 319–30]. Dr. Loewe will be our discussion leader, and J.R. and Chloe will take notes. Before you come to class, please spend some time getting familiar with the RhetorClick wiki. Together with Dr. Loewe’s class, we will make some plans for improving the wiki over the coming weeks.
  • On Thursday (1/26), we will discuss Kenneth Burke’s “Definition of Man” [PNR 40–62]. Rhiann will serve as our discussion leader, and Stephen will take notes.

By the end of Week 2, you need to complete at least one reading response. Please remember that these responses must be completed before you come to class. When you write a new reading response, all you need to do is add it to your document in Google Docs. (When I login to Google Docs, I will be able to see that you have added text to the document since I last checked it.) I will do my best to respond quickly to these first few reading responses, but if you have any questions about them, please come talk to me.

Finally, please review the updated Calendar page, just to make sure that you have signed up for one day of discussion leading and two days of note taking. I am happy to meet with you about your class presentation, but try not to put off those meetings until the last minute. Meeting with me well in advance of your presentation day will help you succeed on that assignment.

As always, if you have any questions, just let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you next week.

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